Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Hello world!

Me and Genie making our 'uniform'
It's been a while since I've posted a blog on here, I have been concentrating on my website among other things! But never fear, we are still here!

We have been doing many wonderful things, from refining our Steampunk Jewellery collection and getting involved with some fantastic charity events, to organizing our studio space and creating a monthly newsletter! So lets take a look at the last few months...

Christmas saw us at the Attic Bar (Stokes Croft) for 2 Sunday's of festive, Fabulous Bagfolk fun! Fairy light's definitely added a warm glow to the cold winter air, as did the splashes of colour highlighting the space! We had music and bellydancing, cupcakes and henna, outside the Attic had it's own little festive grill, with German sausages and mulled cider.
It was a lovely note to end 2011 on!

As 2012 rolled along, it became obvious that this is the year! Not just for Moon and Magic, but for all the projects we are involved in and many of our fellow artists! I have dubbed it "The year of opportunities!"

Ours began here, at the Showroom on Park Street, in a dinky little pop-up shop! It was an interesting experience, I learnt a lot about our market and other people's perception of our work. 

The day after the pop-up shop closed we transported all our stock to The Easton Community Centre for a Fabulous Bagfolk valentines market!
It was, in my opinion, the best feeling venue yet, though I have to say even our traders had trouble finding the place! it was bright and airy and didn't need much work to make it feel welcoming.

I really loved the way our stall looked this time, the yellow cloth I had chosen was only meant to be temporary, but I'm definitely going to be using it regularly!

Hosting a Dreamcatcher workshop at the Bagfolk

One of my favourite parts of the day was hosting a dreamcatcher workshop in the lobby, it was mad! I was suddenly surrounded by children, (most of them in pink!) escorted by parents who ended up doing most of the work, but I enjoyed myself and so did they!
 Our last stop in February was another pop-up shop, this time at the Trinity's new enterprise Arts West Side! I went along with Dre's Jewel's to fill up the space with our lovely jewellery (and other) for a week long pop-up shop! It was fun, if a little surreal and paved the way for many inspiring notions! Which I will let you in on, once I know where they are going! In the meantime check out my new side project Bazaar Inspirations and sign up to the newsletter! 

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